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08/27/2024: PRESS RELEASE
Mount Sinai Health System Researcher Receives $4 Million Grant From NIH to Study the Role of the Mammary Gland Secretome in Metabolic Health
08/12/2024: Rajbhandari Lab is awarded the prestigious NIH Director's Pioneer Award (DP1)-NIDDK Catalyst Award to study the interorgan crosstalk through mammokines in obesity and diabetes in mice and humans.
6/01/2024: Rajbhandari Lab participated in the ENDO 2024 conference and presented data on the transcriptional regulation of adipogenesis.
05/31/2024: Rajbhandari Lab participated in the vibrant Copenhegan Brown Adipose Tissue (CPHBAT) conference, CPHBAT published three issues of the BAT News newspaper.
3/01/2024: Rajbhandari Lab received a 5-year award from The Irma T. Hirschl/Monique Weill-Caulier Foundation
1/30/2024: Rajbhandari Lab is awarded an R01 grant from NIDDK to study immune-adipocyte interaction in obesity and Type 2 Diabetes
1/30/2024: Rajbhandari Lab's Endo Fellow Juwairriyyah Siddiqui, MD, was featured on Pediatric Endocrine Society.
9.17.23 Our team, together with postdoctoral fellow Chung Hwan Cho and Senior Scientist Sanil Patel, explores recent advancements in adipocyte lipolysis with a mini-review. Check it out here:
8.17.23 Nature Review Endocrinology highlights our paper!
Njeri Sparman will be joining the Cell, Development, and Stem Cell Biology PhD Program at Columbia University. A huge Congratulations!!!
Press Release
Mount Sinai Researchers Uncover How Mammary Glands Control Overall Energy Balance and Fat Metabolism
06.21.2023. A paper describing role of mammokines in adipocyte thermogenesis, first paper from the Rajbhandari Lab was accepted in Nature!!. Congratulation to all authors and Rajbhandari Lab members: Sanil Patel, Njeri Sparman, Luis Santos, and Chung Hwan Cho. A big milestone for the lab.
08.01.2022. Dr. Rajbhadari was nominated from the Icahn School of Mount Sinai for Pathway to Stop Diabetes from the American Diabetes Association
04.02,2022 Our lab featured in Mount Sinai Special Endocrinology Report
02.02,2022 Lab selected to receive funding from Diabetes, Action, Research and Education Foundation
06.05.2020 Submitted lab's first R01!! to study the transcriptional basis of early events in converting mesenchymal stem cell into fat cells
09.01.2020 Dr. Prashant Rajbhandari is appointed as the Director of the Metabolic Assessment Core at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
06.05.2020 Submitted lab's first R01!! to study the transcriptional basis of early events in converting mesenchymal stem cell into fat cells
04.17.2020 Einstein-Mount Sinai Diabetes Research Center Pilot & Feasibility (P&F) GRANT AWARDED!! to study adipogenesis
01.15.2020 Congratulations!!! to our Postdoctoral fellow Dr. Luis Santos. He was awarded Illumina Project Award to advance his study on understanding adipocyte heterogeneity.
10.18.2019 Our work on Adipocyte single cell made it to the cover of Elife!
08.15.2019 NIDDK R00 DK114571 AWARDED!
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